Steam’s annual summer sale has arrived and lots of discounted games are ready to be acquired by people who are saving a lot of money for this type of events in the platform. Among the discounted games is the theme of this sale which is called Steam Grand Prix that let’s users win game titles for free.
As the theme suggests, users will have to team up with their friends and race towards the finish line each day of the sale.
Author’s Note: It is important to update your Wishlist first before you start participating in this event.
These are the things that you need to know:
- Increase your Boost Meter’s capacity – this enables you to earn points in the races. All players will begin with an at least 100 points Boost Meter capacity and each day that you participate, you’ll upgrade your capacity by 100 points. If you also spend every PHP 10 on Steam, you’ll upgrade the capacity by 47 points. You can also earn points and Nitro (speed boost) when you complete quests.
- When you Boost, the Nitro that you earned will increase your team’s speed in the race. It is advisable to coordinate the time of boosting with your teammates to increase the Team Boost level. 100 active Nitro is equivalent to 0.1x team speed boost.
- There will be basic attacks that will be dropped upon Boosting with a 1-in-4 chance of getting one (per full Boost). Note that 100 stolen Nitro is also equivalent to 0.1x team speed boost.
- When you contribute, you will earn Grand Prix tokens which are redeemable for chat emoticons, profile backgrounds, and more in the Pit Stop section.
- Each day, random members of the top first, second, and third place will receive the top item in their Steam wishlist. Random members of the overall Grand Prix winning teams will be awarded up to three of the top items from their Steam Wishlist.
You can read the full rules and guidelines of the Grand Prix here. To know more about the Steam Grand Prix, click here.
As for the discounted games, you can check their website here to see all the featured and top game titles in the list. The Steam Summer Sale 2019 will last starting today (June 26, 2019) until July 10, 2019 (GMT +8).