Home » Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout season 2 » Nintendo Switch Animal Crossing: New Horizons Edition now up for pre-order at DataBlitz

Nintendo Switch Animal Crossing: New Horizons Edition now up for pre-order at DataBlitz

DataBlitz has just announced that the Nintendo Switch Animal Crossing: New Horizons Edition is now available for pre-order.

Inspired by the upcoming game, the special edition Switch has Joy-Con controllers designed with a two-tone color, namely pastel green-white, and pastel blue-white. The straps also have the same color as the controller.

The back of the Switch unit has a pattern that features silhouettes of characters, items, plants, and the like from the game. The Switch dock also gets adorned with an Animal Crossing theme, featuring Tom Nook and the twin Nooklings Timmy and Tommy.

The Nintendo Switch Animal Crossing: New Horizons Edition has an estimated price of PHP 17,000 to 18,000 at DataBlitz. To pre-order, interested customers must pay a downpayment fee of PHP 5,000. The tentative release date of the console is on March 13, 2020.

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