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Bandai Namco announces three new characters in Tekken 7

Bandai Namco recently revealed the newest characters in Tekken 7 that will be included in their Season Pass 2 content.

For their next update, they will be including Negan from AMC’s The Walking Dead which is quite unusual since he is not part of any games. There are also 5 returning characters from the game, two of which were already revealed in the video — Anna Williams and Lei Wulong. Bandai Namco is known for importing characters from other games into Tekken 7 such as Geese Howard (Fatal Fury: King of Fighters) and Noctis Lucis Caelum (Final Fantasy XV).

It is also seen that there will be a change of mechanics in wall hits as characters will now bounce making it possible for players to connect new combo strings.

Watch the trailer here.


Pricing and availability for the Season 2 Pass content are yet to be announced.

Source: Tekken twitter

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